After working for a large hearing care provider using the Tympa System, Amanda decided to start her own business Waxy Ears in Southampton, but her journey with the Tympa system didn’t end there.

How did you start your journey using the Tympa System?

“I was working for a large hearing care provider, using the Tympa System. I found using the Tympa System gave me great views of the cerumen, anatomy of the ear canal and tympanic membrane. When I created my own business, I wanted to keep using the same reliable system but thought as a small company I wouldn’t be able to. I contacted Tympa and was surprised that they could provide the same system at an affordable price and was quickly up and running and seeing my first customer.”

How much demand has there been for the service?

“Since starting Waxy Ears, the demand has been enormous, even from the start. The Tympa System allows us to offer home visits which means we can provide our service to wide range of customers and these book up extremely fast. Demand was so high, we quickly started to offer evenings and weekend appointments that are very popular, especially with the working clients.”

What type of customer uses your service?

“Generally, our clientele is in the older demographic, but we also see a lot of younger clients in their 20s-40s.”

What methods have worked well when it comes to getting the word out about your new Tympa service?

“When Waxy Ears first started, we invested in promotional products and distributed them to local GP surgeries, care homes and advertised in the local community. After every appointment, we provide customers with a business card with aftercare advice and contact details. We also ask them to recommend Waxy Ears to a friend. Word of mouth spread and we soon received a lot of referrals from past clients. We’re also very lucky to have a great rapport with the community.”

Do you have a standout patient stories where you felt you really made a difference?

We had a young client attend with a blocked feeling in their ears. On examination, he had bilateral, white plastic, fully occluding foreign objects. We were able to remove the foreign objects with the help of the Tympa System. Once safely removed the client recognised the objects as the removable ends to some ear bud headphones. I always enjoy a challenge and being able to remove the foreign object without having to refer to ENT, was exciting.”

What are your plans for the future?

“When I first started ear wax removal, my husband was very interested and due to the unexpected demand, we approached Tympa, as they have a fantastic micro-suction training program. He passed in August 2021 and quickly was up to speed seeing customers and providing excellent customer service. Demand has continued to grow and I am excited to say, he will be joining Waxy Ears full time. This will enable us to reduce waiting time and allow us to help more of our customers.

Any advice for other starting out their Tympa journey?

“Become familiar with the Tympa System, in particular the user settings, this allows you to change the image to get the perfect system for you. Take a screen shot of your preferred settings for back up. Use the recourses provided and take advantage of the ENT advice available. Make use of the vast knowledge that Tympa staff have, which in turn allows you to improve your skills and knowledge.”

What is your favourite thing about using Tympa device? 

“The Tympa Panel is great, it gives you insight on how many customers you have helped, shows how many pictures were taken and allows you to view past pictures. I personally like to review previous pictures from returning clients, as it allows me to become familiar with their ear so I can note any changes that may need to be assessed further.”

Find out how you can expand your services to deliver ear and hearing healthcare in your community