
Community Pharmacies

The demand for ear and hearing healthcare is skyrocketing. With GPs scaling back these services and patient wait times exceeding 12 weeks, communities are seeking accessible solutions.

Pharmacies are playing an increasingly vital role in our communities, with many already expanding their services to deliver ear and hearing care.

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Care/Residential Homes

Not only do hearing issues tend to arise as people age, but often care home residents have limited access to ear and hearing healthcare.

The Tympa Platform enables care homes to provide regular ear and hearing health check-ups to residents, right in the comfort of their home. Offering this additional service in your care  home not only helps to reduce outpatients visits and associated costs, it also keeps residents engaged and communicative with staff and love ones.

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CareResidential Homes1
Leanne Dunn - Ear Clinic Cornwall - Allied Health Professional Tympa

Allied Health Professionals

Healthcare Assistants, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Osteopaths, and more – Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) all have one thing in common: they play a critical role in treating, rehabilitating, and improving the lives of patients.

Often visiting patients in the comfort of their own home, Allied Health Professionals are perfectly positioned to bring ear and hearing healthcare services to their community with Tympa, alongside their existing level of care.

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Wellow Chiropractic Clinic: “Integrating Tympa...

15 November 2022

Domiciliary Care

The Tympa Platform enables domiciliary care workers to visit home-bound or elderly patients in the comfort of their own home, bringing essential ear and hearing healthcare services directly to them.

View a Domiciliary Care Success Story
Andrew Goodwin domiciliary care worker Tympa-purple
GP Clinics

GP Clinics

General Practice is a vital part of delivering ear and hearing healthcare to communities. However, the current process can involve referrals and appointments with multiple specialists — leaving patients waiting months to receive the care they need.

With Tympa, the entire process is streamlined. Patients receive the correct care faster, leading to better patient outcomes, higher clinical governance standards, and more effective allocation of practice resources.

View a GP Success Story


While audiologists are already able to provide extensive ear and hearing healthcare in their community, the Tympa Platform helps to streamline patient services. By integrating the Tympa, audiologists can triage their patients to quickly assess whether a hearing loss is present or not, helping more patients get appropriate hearing solutions, faster.

Premier Hearing audiologist triage feature image
Related Case Study

Audiologists Triage Patients with Tympa

11 August 2022


Opticians have long-standing relationships with patients in their community and are trusted to deliver expert care to those in need.

Opticians and supporting clinicians can expand their service to offer ear and hearing healthcare alongside their current optical offering – making them a one-stop shop for eye and ear services in their community.

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“Becoming self-employed with Tympa was one...

14 June 2022

News & Events

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Care UK Hear Well Project2-feature
Case Studies
15 May 2024

Royal Society of Medicine: Thinking Outside the...

24 November 2022

World Hearing Day | Don’t Wait, Hear Clear.

28 February 2024
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