News Hub


“Becoming self-employed with Tympa was one of the easiest...

Katie from North Wales Ear Wax Removal shares her journey to becoming self-employed with Tympa and helping her community.


Community focused domiciliary ear and hearing healthcare with Tympa

We talk to Andrea at Brooksies Home Service, who has set up her own domiciliary ear and hearing healthcare service...


Feet First Foot Clinic: Tympa is a natural fit for any foot health...

Gillian Clancy from Feet First Foot Clinic shares why she expanded her Foot Health Practitioner service to deliver care with...

National pharmacy association tympahealth mobile

Tympa is a National Pharmacy Association Recommended Business Partner

Tympa becomes a National Pharmacy Association recommended business partner: Community pharmacy is key to making ear & hearing health accessible...


“Tympa helps me to help people in care homes!” – Clean Ears

Andrew Goodwin from Clean Ears shares why he decided to deliver domiciliary ear and hearing health care to his community...


TympaHealth nominated for Prix Galien award

We are thrilled to announce that we have been nominated for the Prix Galien award in the "Best Digital Health...


100% Optical: Opticians increase care offering with Tympa

TympaHealth attended this year’s 100% Optical event for the first time and the event welcomed a record-breaking 9,680 attendees.

Ashludie Pharmacy - demand feature

Ashludie pharmacy – “We have had full clinics every day!”

After discovering the Tympa system on social media, Bryan at Ashludie pharmacy in Monifieth has been fully booked since he...


Waxy Ears: “Demand for Tympa service was so high, we offered more...

Since starting Waxy Ears, Amanda has seen enormous demand for their services using the Tympa System - she shares her...


The Hearing Place – 2000 wax removals using the Tympa System!

The Hearing Place – celebrate their 2000th ear wax removal and 1st birthday using the Tympa system at the clinic!


Tympa Health Technologies Ltd Received HIPAA Seal of Compliance

Tympa Health Technologies Ltd Received the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Seal of Compliance.


The importance of regular ear and hearing health check-ups for all ages

Jess shares her story on why it's important to have a hearing health check-ups at any age to help promote...

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